Vision Innovated

Our Planet,
Our Future
Our Commitment To The Planet
Vision Innovated working closely with our trusted partners
Mill Hey Holdings Ltd, A1 SAS Group and Visionary Markets Ltd
and other friends will be planting 200 English Oak trees this year and in 2023 another 200 Poplar/Elms on designated greenbelt sites in the North West and South East of England.
These trees will be a beautiful addition to the skylines and wildlife habitats and set an example we hope others will consider following, if your company wants to follow our lead, we are sure we can all work in partnership to do our small bit in the cleaning up of our environment and air quality for our generations to come.
We already have 4047 square metres of ancient woodland under management now in 2022 providing a multitude of habitats for our British wildlife in rural Cheshire with birds such as 3 species of woodpeckers, woodlarks, long tailed tits, wood sparrows and lapwing to name a few. Our end goal is 263055 m2 by 2025 with the help of our sponsors and patrons,if you or your organisation are interested in supporting our cause then please fill in the form below and we will send you an information pack out.

People, Planet, Profit (PPP)
The triple bottom line is an accounting framework that incorporates three dimensions of performance: social, environmental, and financial. These three facets can be summarized as "people, planet, and profit."